Piotr Kołaczkowski

Multiple Thread Pools in Rust

In the previous post, I showed how processing file data in parallel can either boost or hurt performance depending on the workload and device capabilities. Therefore, in complex programs that mix tasks of different types using different physical resources, e.g. CPU, storage (e.g. HDD/SSD) or network I/O, a need may arise to configure parallelism levels differently for each task type. This is typically solved by scheduling tasks of different types on dedicated thread pools. In this post I’m showing how to implement a solution in Rust with Rayon.

After I realized multi-threaded access to data on a single HDD is a really bad idea, I wanted to process files residing on HDD with only one thread-per-device, but still keep multithreading for SSDs. Also, both groups of files should be processed independently, in parallel. Honestly, that didn’t look like something hard to do. I’ve been using thread pools in Java for years. For each file to process, I just need to schedule an asynchronous hashing task on a proper thread pool executor and that’s it. How hard could that be in Rust?

My program already used Rayon in a very functional style, so the main part of the code responsible for file hashing looked like that:

let files: Vec<std::path::PathBuf> = ...   // collection of input files
let hashes: Vec<FileHash> = files
  .into_par_iter()           // creates a Rayon parallel iterator over all files
  .map(|f| compute_hash(f))  // reads the contents of a file and returns its hash; blocking

In this approach, all the files are processed by the default Rayon thread pool and there is no place to tell Rayon which thread pool to use for given file.

A Single Custom Thread Pool

Rayon allows to build custom thread pools with ThreadPoolBuilder and ThreadPool structs. It is quite easy to create a custom thread pool and manually spawn tasks on it:

use std::thread;
let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
pool.spawn(|| println!("Task executes on thread: {:?}", thread::current().id()));
pool.spawn(|| println!("Task executes on thread: {:?}", thread::current().id()));

In order to process our collection on this custom thread pool, we need to change the “main loop” of a program slightly and replace the parallel iterator with a traditional loop and a channel to receive the results:

let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
let files: Vec<std::path::PathBuf> = ...
let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
for f in files.into_iter() {
    let tx = tx.clone();  
    pool.spawn(move || { 
drop(tx); // need to close all senders, otherwise...
let hashes: Vec<FileHash> = rx.into_iter().collect();  // ... this would block

Multiple Thread Pools

Now it is quite straightforward to transform this approach to more than one thread pool:

let hdd_pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(1).build().unwrap();
let ssd_pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(16).build().unwrap(); 

let files: Vec<std::path::PathBuf> = ...
let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
for f in files.into_iter() {
    let tx = tx.clone();  
    let pool = if is_on_ssd(&f) { 
    } else { 
    pool.spawn(move || { 
let hashes: Vec<FileHash> = rx.into_iter().collect(); 

The implementation of is_on_ssd is left as an exercise for the reader ;)


Unfortunately ThreadPool.spawn() method requires that the lambda passed to it has a 'static lifetime, which means it must not borrow any data other than global. The examples above work only because we pass all the input data by move, so the lambda does not close over anything outside and the 'static constraint is satisfied.

Of course the real world is much more complex, and, in my program actually the spawned task
needed to borrow the local context, which holds some common stuff like configuration or logger.

Referencing any outside variable from inside of spawn lambda does not compile:

let logger: Log = Log::new();
let logger = &logger;
for f in files.into_iter() {
    let tx = tx.clone();
    pool.spawn(move || {
        logger.println(format!("Computing hash of: {}", f.display()));
error[E0597]: `logger` does not live long enough
  --> src/pools.rs:13:18
13 |       let logger = &logger;
   |                    ^^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
16 | /         pool.spawn(move || {
17 | |             logger.println(format!("Computing hash of: {}", f.display()));
18 | |             tx.send(f).unwrap();
19 | |         });
   | |__________- argument requires that `logger` is borrowed for `'static`
22 |   }
   |   - `logger` dropped here while still borrowed

The compiler can’t see that all the tasks we spawned must finish before we leave the scope where logger is valid. This is where Rayon scopes are coming to rescue us.

Instead of spawning tasks directly on the thread pool struct, we first need to create a scope object by calling scope function. The scope is guaranteed to exit only after all tasks launched inside it finished. This essentially allows the tasks inside the scope to access variables that live at least as long as the scope:

let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
let logger: &Log = ...;
pool.scope(move |s| {
    for f in files.into_iter() {
        let tx = tx.clone();
        s.spawn(move |s| {
            logger.println(format!("Computing hash of: {}", f.display()));  // ok

What about multiple thread pools? A single Scope in Rayon is always associated with a single ThreadPool. Therefore, if we need multiple thread pools, then we need multiple scopes, active at the same time. Fortunately, scopes can be nested:

let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
let logger: &Log = ...;
hdd_pool.scope(move |hdd_scope| {
    ssd_pool.scope(move |ssd_scope| {
        for f in files.into_iter() {
            let tx = tx.clone();
            if is_on_ssd(&f) {
              ssd_scope.spawn(move |s| { ... });          
            } else { 
              hdd_scope.spawn(move |s| { ... });

Dynamic Number of Thread Pools

With only two pools, nesting doesn’t look bad, but in my program I needed more than two pools – one per each physical device. And even worse, I didn’t know the number of them statically at compile time.

At this point I wanted to abstract out the process of creating nested scopes in a way it doesn’t pollute the logic of the program. I came up with the following function idea:

pub fn multi_scope<'scope, OP, R>(pools: &[&ThreadPool], op: OP) -> R
    OP: for<'s> FnOnce(&'s [&'s Scope<'scope>]) -> R + 'scope + Send,
    R: Send

This takes an array of ThreadPool references, constructs a Scope for each ThreadPool and executes a user-defined operation (typically passed as a lambda) inside all of these scopes. The operation receives a list of references to Scope so it can spawn tasks on desired Scope associated with the given ThreadPool. The usage is quite straightforward and very similar to the built-in scope:

use rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder;

let hdd_pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(1).build().unwrap();
let ssd_pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(16).build().unwrap(); 
let pools = [&hdd_pool, &ssd_pool]; // this could be constructed dynamically in real-world code

let common = vec![0, 1, 2]; // common data
multi_scope(&pools, |scopes| {
    scopes[0].spawn(|s| { /* execute on hdd_pool, can use &common */ });
    scopes[1].spawn(|s| { /* execute on ssd_pool, can use &common */ });

How to implement multi_scope? There is no way to obtain a Scope value directly from Rayon. The only way we can get a reference to a Scope is inside the lambda passed to scope. So if we need multiple scopes active at the same time, we must nest scopes in each other. This sounds like a recursion.

My Code Is Correct, But The Borrow Checker Disagrees

My initial take looked like this:

pub fn multi_scope<'scope, OP, R>(pools: &[&ThreadPool], op: OP) -> R
    OP: for<'s> FnOnce(&'s [&'s Scope<'scope>]) -> R + 'scope + Send,
    R: Send,
    nest(pools, Vec::with_capacity(pools.len()), op)

fn nest<'scope, OP, R>(pools: &[&ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
    OP: for<'s> FnOnce(&'s [&'s Scope<'scope>]) -> R + 'scope + Send,
    R: Send,
    if !pools.is_empty() {
        pools[0].scope(move |s| {
            let mut scopes = scopes;
            nest(&pools[1..], scopes, op)
    } else {

An additional function nest creates one new Scope and pushes it into the scopes vector, then it calls itself recursively until it runs out of ThreadPool values. Finally it calls the user operation op passing the created scopes vector to it.

To my surprise that didn’t compile. Oh well!

error[E0621]: explicit lifetime required in the type of `scopes`
  --> src/pools.rs:42:25
34 | fn nest<'scope, OP, R>(pools: &[&ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
   |                                                       ------------------- help: add explicit lifetime `'scope` to the type of `scopes`: `std::vec::Vec<&'scope rayon_core::scope::Scope<'scope>>`
42 |             scopes.push(s);
   |                         ^ lifetime `'scope` required

Wait, there is a hint here. As usual with Rust coding, let’s apply the hint the compiler gave to us:

fn nest<'scope, OP, R>(pools: &[&ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&'scope Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R

But this made it only worse:

error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime due to conflicting requirements
  --> src/pools.rs:41:33
41 |             let mut scopes: Vec<&Scope<'scope>> = scopes;
   |                                 ^
note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #2 defined on the body at 40:24...
  --> src/pools.rs:40:24
40 |           pools[0].scope(move |s| {
   |  ________________________^
41 | |             let mut scopes: Vec<&Scope<'scope>> = scopes;
42 | |             scopes.push(s);
43 | |             nest(&pools[1..], scopes, op)
44 | |         })
   | |_________^
note: ...so that reference does not outlive borrowed content
  --> src/pools.rs:42:25
42 |             scopes.push(s);
   |                         ^
note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the lifetime `'scope` as defined on the function body at 34:9...
  --> src/pools.rs:34:9
34 | fn nest<'scope, OP, R>(pools: &[&ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&'scope Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
   |         ^^^^^^
note: ...so that the expression is assignable
  --> src/pools.rs:43:31
43 |             nest(&pools[1..], scopes, op)
   |                               ^^^^^^
   = note: expected `std::vec::Vec<&rayon_core::scope::Scope<'_>>`
              found `std::vec::Vec<&rayon_core::scope::Scope<'scope>>`

What happens if we try to “help” the compiler with inferring the scopes vector lifetime and require all references to be valid for at least 'scope?

fn nest<'scope, OP, R>(pools: &'scope [&'scope ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&'scope Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
    OP: for<'s> FnOnce(&'s [&'s Scope<'scope>]) -> R + 'scope + Send,
    R: Send,
    if !pools.is_empty() {
        pools[0].scope(move |s| {
            let mut scopes: Vec<&'scope Scope<'scope>> = scopes;
            nest(&pools[1..], scopes, op)
    } else {

error[E0312]: lifetime of reference outlives lifetime of borrowed content...
  --> src/pools.rs:42:25
42 |             scopes.push(s);
   |                         ^
note: ...the reference is valid for the lifetime `'scope` as defined on the function body at 34:9...
  --> src/pools.rs:34:9
34 | fn nest<'scope, OP, R>(pools: &'scope [&'scope ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&'scope Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
   |         ^^^^^^
note: ...but the borrowed content is only valid for the anonymous lifetime #2 defined on the body at 40:24
  --> src/pools.rs:40:24
40 |           pools[0].scope(move |s| {
   |  ________________________^
41 | |             let mut scopes: Vec<&'scope Scope<'scope>> = scopes;
42 | |             scopes.push(s);
43 | |             nest(&pools[1..], scopes, op)
44 | |         })
   | |_________^

Looks like we can’t really add the new scope to the vector, because now the vector type requires that the references stored in it live for the time of the outermost scope. Rust collections obviously cannot hold references to data that lives shorter than the collection itself, therefore 'scope must not be shorter than the lifetime of the vector created at the outermost recursion level.

The Borrow Checker Doesn’t Give Up Easily

Another idea I tried was to decouple the lifetime of the references inside the vector from the actual 'scope by introducing a new lifetime 'vec, hoping that the vector would narrow down the lifetime of the innermost scope inserted into it (which should be ok because we will lend the vector only to the innermost scope at the end):

fn nest<'scope, 'vec, OP, R>(pools: &[&ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&'vec Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
    OP: for<'s> FnOnce(&'s [&'s Scope<'scope>]) -> R + 'scope + Send,
    R: Send,
    if !pools.is_empty() {
        pools[0].scope(move |s| {
            let mut scopes: Vec<&Scope<'scope>> = scopes;
            nest(&pools[1..], scopes, op)
    } else {

Almost worked, but still one more error to go…

error[E0623]: lifetime mismatch
  --> src/pools.rs:42:25
34 | fn nest<'scope, 'vec, OP, R>(pools: &[&ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&'vec Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
   |                                                                 -------------------
   |                                                                 |
   |                                                                 these two types are declared with different lifetimes...
42 |             scopes.push(s);
   |                         ^ ...but data from `scopes` flows into `scopes` here

This time the error message is not helpful at all. Why is the compiler saying “these two types” while pointing to a single type? This baffled me for a while, but eventually I realized this must have something to do with 'vec being inferred differently for the next recursion level than 'vec on the current level. And what does it mean “scopes flows into scopes”?

Blocked By Invariance

I started experimenting a bit by removing some code and I realized these two logically incorrect versions compile just fine:

fn nest<'scope, 'vec, OP, R>(pools: &'scope[&'scope ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&'vec Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
    OP: for<'s> FnOnce(&'s [&'s Scope<'scope>]) -> R + 'scope + Send,
    R: Send,
    if !pools.is_empty() {
        pools[0].scope(move |s| {
            let mut scopes = Vec::new();    // <--- look here
            scopes.push(s);                 // <--- look here
            nest(&pools[1..], scopes, op)
    } else {
fn nest<'scope, 'vec, OP, R>(pools: &'scope[&'scope ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&'vec Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
    OP: for<'s> FnOnce(&'s [&'s Scope<'scope>]) -> R + 'scope + Send,
    R: Send,
    if !pools.is_empty() {
        pools[0].scope(move |s| {
            let mut scopes = scopes;        // <--- look here
            nest(&pools[1..], scopes, op)
    } else {

So I can either add the newly created scope to my vector as the only item, or I can pass the existing vector as is without inserting the new scope! But I can’t do both! This problem typically happens when you try to add values of different incompatible types to a collection, but here I’m adding values of the same type, so I should be fine…

Unfortunately, Rayon’s Scope struct is invariant over its lifetime parameter, and the lifetime is obviously a part of the type. In this case the compiler won’t coerce one scope to another, e.g. by shortening the lifetime of the outer scope to match the lifetime of the inner scope, nor by extending the lifetime of the inner scope to match the outer scope. This means we can’t put references to two scopes into a single vector, at least not without changing the source code of Rayon or changing how the type system works in Rust. What a bummer!

Going Unsafe

Fortunately, the tiny difference in scope lifetimes caused by nesting is all internal to the nest function and is never observable by the client’s code. From the outside, we can safely assume all scopes were created with the same lifetime – they are all created by nest and all dropped by it together.

This is the moment where Rust’s unsafe comes to the rescue. We can “cheat” a bit, and let the compiler adjust our scope lifetimes so they match and can be stored in a single vector:

unsafe fn adjust_lifetime<'s, 'a, 'b>(scope: &'s Scope<'a>) -> &'s Scope<'b> {
    std::mem::transmute::<&'s Scope<'a>, &'s Scope<'b>>(scope)

fn nest<'scope, 'vec, OP, R>(pools: &'scope[&'scope ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&'vec Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
    OP: for<'s> FnOnce(&'s [&'s Scope<'scope>]) -> R + 'scope + Send,
    R: Send,
    if !pools.is_empty() {
        pools[0].scope(move |s| {
            let mut scopes = scopes;
            scopes.push(unsafe { adjust_lifetime(s) });
            nest(&pools[1..], scopes, op)
    } else {

Actually some lifetime annotations can be dropped and the compiler is still happy:

unsafe fn adjust_lifetime<'s, 'a, 'b>(scope: &'s Scope<'a>) -> &'s Scope<'b> {
    std::mem::transmute::<&'s Scope<'a>, &'s Scope<'b>>(scope)

fn nest<'scope, OP, R>(pools: &[&ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
    OP: for<'s> FnOnce(&'s [&'s Scope<'scope>]) -> R + 'scope + Send,
    R: Send,
    if !pools.is_empty() {
        pools[0].scope(move |s| {
            let mut scopes = scopes;
            scopes.push(unsafe { adjust_lifetime(s) });
            nest(&pools[1..], scopes, op)
    } else {

Update: Getting Rid of Unsafe

Fortunately Rayon 1.4.0 changed its scope signature a bit and now it is possible to completely avoid unsafe.

Rayon 1.3.0 defines scope function as follows:

/// Creates a scope that executes within this thread-pool.
/// Equivalent to `self.install(|| scope(...))`.
/// See also: [the `scope()` function][scope].
/// [scope]: fn.scope.html
pub fn scope<'scope, OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
    OP: for<'s> FnOnce(&'s Scope<'scope>) -> R + 'scope + Send,
    R: Send,
    self.install(|| scope(op))

There is an explicit requirement that the passed op lambda lives for at least as long as 'scope therefore 'scope can never be inferred to be wider than the lifetime of op.

In Rayon 1.4.0 scope has been changed into:

/// Creates a scope that executes within this thread-pool.
/// Equivalent to `self.install(|| scope(...))`.
/// See also: [the `scope()` function][scope].
/// [scope]: fn.scope.html
pub fn scope<'scope, OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
    OP: FnOnce(&Scope<'scope>) -> R + Send,
    R: Send,
    self.install(|| scope(op))

Now the 'scope is allowed to be a wider lifetime than the lifetime of a lambda. If we nest scopes, they all can get the same 'scope that can hold the outermost lambda. Therefore it is enough to remove the + 'scope requirement in our code and drop the adjust_lifetime call:

use rayon::{Scope, ThreadPool};

fn nest<'scope, OP, R>(pools: &[&ThreadPool], scopes: Vec<&Scope<'scope>>, op: OP) -> R
    OP: FnOnce(&[&Scope<'scope>]) -> R + Send,
    R: Send,
    if !pools.is_empty() {
        pools[0].scope(move |s| {
            let mut scopes = scopes;
            nest(&pools[1..], scopes, op)
    } else {

/// Creates multiple Rayon scopes, one per given `ThreadPool`, around the given lambda `op`.
/// The purpose of this method is to be able to spawn tasks on multiple thread pools when
/// the number of thread pools is not known at compile-time. Same as with a single scope,
/// all tasks spawned by `op` are guaranteed to finish before this call exits, so they
/// are allowed to access structs from outside of the scope.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder;
/// use fclones::pools::multi_scope;
/// let pool1 = ThreadPoolBuilder::new().build().unwrap();
/// let pool2 = ThreadPoolBuilder::new().build().unwrap();
/// let common = vec![0, 1, 2]; // common data, must be Send
/// multi_scope(&[&pool1, &pool2], |scopes| {
///     scopes[0].spawn(|_| { /* execute on pool1, can use &common */ });
///     scopes[1].spawn(|_| { /* execute on pool2, can use &common */ });
/// });
/// ```
pub fn multi_scope<'scope, OP, R>(pools: &[&ThreadPool], op: OP) -> R
    OP: FnOnce(&[&Scope<'scope>]) -> R + Send,
    R: Send,
    nest(pools, Vec::with_capacity(pools.len()), op)
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