Piotr Kołaczkowski

Scalable Benchmarking with Rust Streams

In the previous post I showed how to use asynchronous Rust to measure throughput and response times of a Cassandra cluster. That approach works pretty well on a developer’s laptop, but it turned out it doesn’t scale to bigger machines. I’ve hit a hard limit around 150k requests per second, and it wouldn’t go faster regardless of the performance of the server. In this post I share a different approach that doesn’t have these scalability problems. I was able to saturate a 24-core single node Cassandra server at 800k read queries per second with a single client machine.

The original idea was based on a single-threaded loop that spawns asynchronous tasks. Each task sends an async query, records its duration when the results are back, and sends the recorded

    let parallelism_limit = 1000;
    let semaphore = Arc::new(Semaphore::new(parallelism_limit));
    let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel();
    let session = Arc::new(session);
    for i in 0..count {
        let mut statement = statement.bind();
        statement.bind(0, i as i64).unwrap();

        let session = session.clone();
        let tx = tx.clone();
        let permit = semaphore.clone().acquire_owned().await;
        tokio::spawn(async move {
            let query_start = Instant::now();
            let result = session.execute(&statement);
            let query_end = Instant::now();
            let duration_micros = (query_end - query_start).as_micros();

    // ... receive the durations from rx and compute statistics

I assumed invoking async queries should be so fast that the server would be the only bottleneck. I was wrong.

When running this code on a nice 24-core machine, I observed a surprising effect: the benchmarking client managed to send about 120k read requests per second, but both the client and the server machines had plenty of idle CPU available.


The first idea to fix this was to play with the number of I/O threads used internally by the C++ Driver. Susprisingly that didn’t help a lot. While going from 1 to 4 I/O threads improved performance slightly to about 150k requests per second, increasing this further didn’t have much effect and going extreme to >32 threads actually even worsened the performance. I also didn’t get much luckier by tuning the number of client connections per each I/O thread. 4-8 threads with 1 connection each seemed to be a sweet spot, but very far from saturating the hardware I had.

The next thing that came to my mind was looking closer at Tokio setup. Tokio allows to choose either a single-threaded scheduler or a multi-threaded one. A single-threaded scheduler uses a single OS thread to run all async tasks. Because I assumed the majority of hard work is supposed to be done by the Cassandra C++ driver code and because the C++ driver comes with its own libuv based thread-pool, I initially set up Tokio with a single-threaded scheduler. How costly could it be to count queries or compute the histogram of durations, anyways? Should’t it be easily in the range of millions of items per second, even on a single thread?

Indeed, counting queries seemed to be fast, but perf suggested the majority of time is being spent in two places:

So maybe that wasn’t a good idea to use a single thread to run all the Tokio stuff? Here is the code for setting up Tokio with a multi-threaded scheduler:

async fn async_main() {
  // Run async benchmark code

fn main() {        

This change alone without any modification to the main loop of the benchmark allowed to increase the performance to about 220k requests per second. Obviously, this didn’t satisfy me, because I knew these machines could go much faster. Just running 3 instances of my Rust benchmarking program at the same time allowed to reach throughput of around 450k req/s. And running 12 Java-based cassandra-stress clients, each from a separate node, made ~760k req/s.

Additionally the change of the scheduler had a negative side effect: the CPU usage on the client increased by about 50% and now in the other tests when running the benchmarking program on the same machine as the benchmarked server the performance was slightly worse than before. So, overall the benchmarking tool got slightly faster, but less efficient.

Rethinking the Main Loop

There are several things that limit the speed at which new requests can be spawned:

As an experiment I removed all the calls related to sending Cassandra queries from the main loop, and I got only ~800k loops per second, when benchmarking “nothing”. This led me to thinking this code needs to be improved.

In the comment under the original blog post, kostaw suggested to use Streams instead of manual looping. Below I present a version of code after minor modifications to make it compile:

/// Invokes count statements and returns a stream of their durations.
/// Note: this does *not* spawn a new thread. 
/// It runs all async code on the caller's thread.
fn make_stream<'a>(session: &'a Session, statement: &'a PreparedStatement, count: usize)
    -> impl Stream<Item=Duration> + 'a {

    let parallelism_limit = 128;
        .map(move |i| async move {
            let mut statement = statement.bind();
            let statement = statement.bind(0, i as i64).unwrap();
            let query_start = Instant::now();
            let result = session.execute(&statement);
        // This will run up to `parallelism_limit` futures at a time:

async fn benchmark() {
    let count = 1000000;

    // Connect to the database and prepare the statement:
    let session = // ...
    let statement = session.prepare(/** statement */).unwrap().await.unwrap();
    let mut stream = make_stream(&session, &statement, count)

    // Process the received durations: 
    let benchmark_start = Instant::now();
    while let Some(duration) = stream.next().await {
        // ... optionally compute durations statistics
        "Throughput: {:.1} request/s",
        1000000.0 * count as f64 / benchmark_start.elapsed().as_micros() as f64

There are several advantages to this approach:

This code indeed has a much lower overhead. After removing the statement.bind and session.execute calls, the stream was able to generate over 10 million items per second on my laptop. That’s a nice 12x improvement.

Unfortunately, this way we only reduced some overhead, but the main scalability problem is still there:

Going Insanely Multithreaded

We can run multiple streams, each on its own thread. To do this, we need tokio::spawn again, but this time we’ll do it a different level, only once per each thread.

Let’s first define a function that can consume a stream in a Tokio task and returns how long it took. If we use a multitheaded scheduler, it would be likely executed by another thread:

async fn run_to_completion(mut stream: impl Stream<Item=Duration> + Unpin + Send + 'static) {
    let task = tokio::spawn(async move {
        while let Some(duration) = stream.next().await {}

Because we’re passing the stream to the lambda given to tokio::spawn, the stream needs to have 'static lifetime. Unfortunately, this will make it problematic to use with the make_stream function we defined earlier:

let mut stream = make_stream(session, &statement, count);
let elapsed = run_to_completion(stream).await;
error[E0597]: `session` does not live long enough
   --> src/main.rs:104:34
104 |     let mut stream = make_stream(&session, &statement, count);
    |                      ------------^^^^^^^^--------------------
    |                      |           |
    |                      |           borrowed value does not live long enough
    |                      argument requires that `session` is borrowed for `'static`
112 | }
    | - `session` dropped here while still borrowed

It looks quite familiar. We’ve run into this problem already before, when spawning a task for each query. We have solved that with Arc, and now we’ll do the same. Notice that this time cloning shouldn’t affect performance, because we do it once per the whole stream:

async fn run_stream(session: Arc<Session>, statement: Arc<PreparedStatement>, count: usize) {
    let task = tokio::spawn(async move {
        let session = session.as_ref();
        let statement = statement.as_ref();
        let mut stream = make_stream(session, statement, count);
        while let Some(duration) = stream.next().await {}

Note that we had to move the creation of the session and statement raw references and the creation of the stream to inside of the spawn lambda, so they live as long as the async task.

Now we can actually call run_stream multiple times and create multiple parallel statement streams:

async fn benchmark() {    
    let count = 1000000;

    let session = // ... connect
    let session = Arc::new(session);
    let statement = session.prepare("SELECT * FROM keyspace1.test WHERE pk = ?").unwrap().await.unwrap();
    let statement = Arc::new(statement);

    let benchmark_start = Instant::now();
    let thread_1 = run_stream(session.clone(), statement.clone(), count / 2);
    let thread_2 = run_stream(session.clone(), statement.clone(), count / 2);

        "Throughput: {:.1} request/s",
        1000000.0 * count as f64 / benchmark_start.elapsed().as_micros() as f64


Switching my Apache Cassandra Benchmarking Tool Latte to use this new approach caused the throughput on bigger machines to skyrocket:

CONFIG =================================================================================================
            Date        : Mon, 09 Nov 2020                                                         
            Time        : 14:17:36 +0000                                                           
             Tag        :                                                                          
        Workload        : read                                                                     
      Compaction        : STCS                                                                     
      Partitions        :      1000                                                                 
         Columns        :         1                                                                 
     Column size     [B]:        16                                                                 
         Threads        :        24                                                                 
     Connections        :         4                                                                 
 Max parallelism   [req]:       256                                                                 
        Max rate [req/s]:                                                                          
          Warmup   [req]:         1                                                                 
      Iterations   [req]:  10000000                                                                 
        Sampling     [s]:       1.0                                                                 

LOG ====================================================================================================
    Time  Throughput        ----------------------- Response times [ms]---------------------------------
     [s]     [req/s]           Min        25        50        75        90        95        99       Max
   0.000      791822          0.29      6.57      7.01      7.62      9.68     10.90     16.03     67.14
   1.000      830663          1.06      6.68      7.11      7.72      9.25     10.59     12.05     21.57
   2.000      798252          1.49      6.99      7.42      7.93      9.47     11.11     12.35     44.83
   3.000      765633          0.88      6.91      7.34      7.91      9.57     11.24     14.86     72.70
   4.000      797175          1.27      7.00      7.43      7.97      9.57     11.18     12.37     23.04
   5.000      767988          1.35      6.88      7.30      7.85      9.41     11.06     14.46     72.70
   6.000      800712          0.69      6.98      7.40      7.90      9.38     11.06     12.43     22.59
   7.000      800809          1.55      6.98      7.40      7.91      9.25     11.06     12.45     22.88
   8.000      765714          1.54      6.87      7.31      7.90      9.59     11.28     14.51     71.93
   9.000      798496          1.25      6.97      7.42      7.95      9.50     11.13     12.50     25.23
  10.000      763279          1.02      6.88      7.37      7.92      9.60     11.29     15.04     73.28
  11.000      798546          1.10      6.98      7.43      7.95      9.39     11.13     12.43     26.19
  12.000      797906          1.39      6.98      7.43      7.98      9.49     11.19     12.56     37.22

SUMMARY STATS ==========================================================================================
         Elapsed     [s]:    12.656                                                                 
        CPU time     [s]:   294.045          ( 48.4%)                                               
       Completed   [req]:  10000000          (100.0%)                                               
          Errors   [req]:         0          (  0.0%)                                               
      Partitions        :  10000000                                                                 
            Rows        :  10000000                                                                 
         Samples        :        13                                                                 
Mean sample size   [req]:    769231                                                                 
      Throughput [req/s]:    790538 ± 17826                                                         
 Mean resp. time    [ms]:      7.76 ± 0.18                                                          

Unfortunately, the server machine was completely saturated at this level. That’s a pity, because the client reported only 48.4% of CPU utilisation and it could probably go faster with a faster server.


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